Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Such wheeled-in crystalline poop
spurting froth frottage a la simian-
I was hastened to snap a quicky
on my walkie-talkie snapshooter:

The backlit sunlight bent a crucible
of pure manganese through the bars
Of the zoo-pits- a glint off golden
Tooth and a burnt cornea...

Later, the coffee sloshing in the mug,
the eyes bled and shot, the warden
Nudgin' the nurse with his mandate,
I eyed your fringed misty slip
and barked a chunky chuckle at the
thoughts of our zooey antics.

That was then, in a slatted barnhouse
near the cockatiels and near the impish
Owls- they dove and bombed at the
baby birds, bleeding throughout the day-

And in this now, as you there go,
Clutching at the knob and clawing at the tile,
And here I am, waiting for the hammer
to claw through my chest in a vain search
For a hold- g'luck, but no.